BEST OF 2024 Informed. Engaged. Empowered Tue, 10 Sep 2024 07:19:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Die 10 besten mobilen Spiele des Jahres 2024: Must-Plays für Österreich! Tue, 10 Sep 2024 07:19:31 +0000 Die mobile Spielewelt hat 2024 einige großartige Titel hervorgebracht, die für jeden Geschmack etwas bieten. Von spannenden Action-Games bis hin zu entspannenden Puzzlespielen – hier sind die Top 10 Spiele, die auf keinem Smartphone fehlen dürfen!

  • Plinko Pro
    • Bewertung: ★★★★★
    • Review: Ein süchtig machendes Geschicklichkeitsspiel, das einfache Mechaniken mit herausforderndem Gameplay kombiniert. Perfekt für zwischendurch oder stundenlangen Spielspaß.
  • Genshin Impact
    • Bewertung: ★★★★☆
    • Review: Ein episches Open-World-Abenteuer mit atemberaubender Grafik und fesselnder Story. Die regelmäßigen Updates halten das Spiel frisch, aber der In-Game-Kauf kann teuer werden.
  • Candy Crush Saga
    • Bewertung: ★★★★☆
    • Review: Der Puzzle-Klassiker bleibt auch 2024 ein Hit. Die süßen Animationen und die Vielzahl an Levels machen es weiterhin zu einem Favoriten, obwohl es manchmal zu schwierig wird.
  • Clash Royale
    • Bewertung: ★★★★★
    • Review: Ein strategisches Echtzeit-Spiel, das sowohl für Gelegenheitsspieler als auch für Profis viel zu bieten hat. Der PvP-Modus ist besonders spannend und bringt Adrenalin in jedes Match.
  • Among Us
    • Bewertung: ★★★★☆
    • Review: Ein spannendes Multiplayer-Spiel, bei dem es darum geht, einen Verräter zu entlarven oder selbst unentdeckt zu bleiben. Ein Klassiker für soziale Interaktion und Teamwork.
  • Monument Valley 3
    • Bewertung: ★★★★☆
    • Review: Wunderschöne Puzzles und einzigartige visuelle Gestaltung machen Monument Valley auch im dritten Teil zu einem wahren Kunstwerk. Perfekt für Fans von kreativen und ruhigen Spielen.
  • PUBG Mobile
    • Bewertung: ★★★★★
    • Review: Das beliebte Battle-Royale-Spiel glänzt auch 2024 mit packenden Kämpfen und einem fesselnden Multiplayer-Modus. Die Grafik und das Gameplay sind für mobile Plattformen beeindruckend.
  • Stumble Guys
    • Bewertung: ★★★★☆
    • Review: Dieses lustige Multiplayer-Partyspiel bietet hektisches und urkomisches Gameplay, das an „Fall Guys“ erinnert. Ideal für alle, die Spaß und Lachen suchen.
  • Mario Kart Tour
    • Bewertung: ★★★★★
    • Review: Mario und seine Freunde liefern auch auf dem Smartphone rasant schnellen Rennspaß. Mit neuen Strecken und Charakteren bleibt das Spiel lange spannend.
  • Pokémon Unite
    • Bewertung: ★★★★☆
    • Review: Ein MOBA im Pokémon-Universum, das sowohl für Fans als auch für Neulinge ein packendes und strategisches Gameplay bietet. Die Lernkurve ist jedoch etwas steil.

      Diese Spiele versprechen fesselnden Spaß und Unterhaltung für das ganze Jahr 2024! Egal, ob man strategisch denken möchte oder einfach nur ein bisschen Ablenkung sucht – hier ist für jeden das passende Spiel dabei.

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I 10 Giochi Più Popolari del 2024 per Gamers Italiani Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:32:58 +0000 Il 2024 si prospetta un anno entusiasmante per il mondo del gaming, con titoli che stanno conquistando milioni di giocatori in tutto il mondo, compresa l’Italia. Tra grandi ritorni, nuove uscite e titoli unici, abbiamo stilato una lista dei 10 giochi più popolari del momento, con tanto di statistiche e valutazioni. Scopri quali sono i must-play di quest’anno!

1. Plinko

Genere: Arcade/Casinò
Piattaforme: Mobile, Browser
Valutazione: ★★★★☆ (4.3/5)
Giocatori mensili: 20 milioni

Plinko è un gioco a metà tra l’arcade e il casinò che sta spopolando grazie alla sua semplicità e alta dose di adrenalina. Il giocatore deve far cadere una pallina lungo una tavola piena di pioli, sperando che atterri in uno dei moltiplicatori più alti. La sua ascesa in popolarità nel 2024 è dovuta all’inclusione di nuove modalità competitive e l’integrazione di classifiche globali. Un gioco perfetto per passare il tempo, ma anche per chi ama sfidare la fortuna!

2. Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

Genere: Action RPG
Piattaforme: PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S
Valutazione: ★★★★★ (4.8/5)
Giocatori mensili: 12 milioni

Dopo il travagliato lancio iniziale, Cyberpunk 2077 è riuscito a riguadagnare la fiducia dei giocatori grazie alla sua espansione “Phantom Liberty”, che ha introdotto nuovi personaggi, storie e miglioramenti tecnici. L’ambientazione futuristica e il gameplay coinvolgente hanno consolidato la sua posizione tra i giochi più giocati del 2024.

3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Genere: Sparatutto in prima persona
Piattaforme: PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S
Valutazione: ★★★★☆ (4.5/5)
Giocatori mensili: 25 milioni

La serie Call of Duty continua a dominare le classifiche con Modern Warfare III, offrendo una delle esperienze multiplayer più raffinate e competitive. Con una campagna emozionante e modalità multiplayer aggiornate, il gioco è un must per gli amanti degli sparatutto.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Genere: Action-adventure
Piattaforme: Nintendo Switch
Valutazione: ★★★★★ (4.9/5)
Giocatori mensili: 15 milioni

Nintendo ha colpito ancora con Tears of the Kingdom, sequel del leggendario Breath of the Wild. Il gioco offre un mondo aperto ancora più vasto e complesso, con nuove meccaniche che ampliano le possibilità di esplorazione e combattimento. Un vero capolavoro per gli appassionati di avventure fantasy.

5. Fortnite

Genere: Battle Royale
Piattaforme: PC, Console, Mobile
Valutazione: ★★★★☆ (4.4/5)
Giocatori mensili: 30 milioni

Fortnite continua a essere un fenomeno globale nel 2024 grazie agli aggiornamenti costanti e alle collaborazioni con brand famosi. Con eventi live mozzafiato e nuove skin, mantiene viva l’attenzione di una vasta community di giocatori.

6. Baldur’s Gate 3

Genere: RPG
Piattaforme: PC, PS5
Valutazione: ★★★★★ (4.9/5)
Giocatori mensili: 10 milioni

Baldur’s Gate 3 ha rivoluzionato il genere RPG con la sua storia profonda, dialoghi coinvolgenti e la possibilità di modellare il proprio destino in un mondo fantasy dettagliatissimo. Un’esperienza di gioco immersiva che ha incantato sia i veterani che i nuovi arrivati.

7. Hogwarts Legacy

Genere: Action RPG
Piattaforme: PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S
Valutazione: ★★★★☆ (4.6/5)
Giocatori mensili: 18 milioni

Ambientato nell’universo di Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy offre ai giocatori l’opportunità di vivere la vita di uno studente di magia. Con una trama originale e un’accurata ricostruzione del castello e dei dintorni, il gioco è diventato rapidamente un best-seller nel 2024.

8. Diablo IV

Genere: Action RPG
Piattaforme: PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S
Valutazione: ★★★★☆ (4.7/5)
Giocatori mensili: 14 milioni

Diablo IV ha riportato il franchise alla ribalta con una grafica migliorata, un mondo oscuro e avvincente, e meccaniche di gioco raffinate. I fan dell’hack-and-slash lo considerano uno dei migliori titoli dell’anno grazie alla sua profondità e ai contenuti post-lancio.

9. Final Fantasy XVI

Genere: Action RPG
Piattaforme: PS5, PC
Valutazione: ★★★★★ (4.8/5)
Giocatori mensili: 8 milioni

L’ultimo capitolo della serie Final Fantasy ha conquistato i fan grazie a una trama epica e combattimenti in tempo reale estremamente dinamici. Il gioco mescola elementi fantasy e futuristici in una miscela perfetta che ha ricevuto elogi dalla critica e dai giocatori.

10. GTA Online

Genere: Open-world, Multiplayer
Piattaforme: PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S
Valutazione: ★★★★☆ (4.5/5)
Giocatori mensili: 22 milioni

Nonostante sia uscito anni fa, GTA Online continua a essere uno dei titoli multiplayer più giocati. Rockstar Games aggiorna regolarmente il gioco con nuovi contenuti, mantenendo alta la voglia di esplorare il mondo di Los Santos e partecipare a missioni co-op o competitive.


Il 2024 offre una vasta gamma di giochi adatti a tutti i gusti, dai fan degli sparatutto agli amanti dei giochi di ruolo e delle avventure. Non importa quale sia il tuo genere preferito, c’è sicuramente un titolo che ti terrà incollato allo schermo per ore. Quindi, prepara il tuo controller, la tastiera o il tuo smartphone e inizia a divertirti con uno di questi giochi imperdibili!

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What is The First Descendant max level? Descendant and Mastery levels explained Wed, 03 Jul 2024 11:21:57 +0000

In games like The First Descendant, it’s all about the grind, as you make your way through the various quests in the game, progressing the story and securing loot.

There is also a leveling system in The First Descendant and it works a little differently than your basic get to level 100 and be done with the game.

Here, we’ll take you through what The First Descendant max level is along with explaining what the different Descendant and Mastery levels mean.

What is the max level in The First Descendant?

As you play through the game, completing missions, unlocking new characters, and defeating bosses, you’ll make progress toward the levels that are in the game.

These are split into two different leveling systems – Descendant level and Mastery Rank.

The max Descendant level you can reach is 40, whereas the max Mastery Rank is 30, therefore meaning there are two different pools you’ll be pumping experience into.

We’ll now explain the difference between the two so you know exactly what’s in store for The First Descendant’s leveling system.

How do Descendant and Mastery levels work in The First Descendant?

So, how do the different Descendant levels and Mastery Ranks work in The First Descendant?

Well, to put it simply, Descendant levels are tied to the specific character you are playing but Mastery Rank is your overall progression in the game, with everything you do contributing toward it.

As you increase your Descendant level you will gain small stat increases as well as unlocking various skills. Mastery Rank, however, almost opens up more of the game as you progress, giving you increased storage capacity, equipment inventory, and grants access to unique abilities on legendary weapons, for example.

Upping Mastery Rank is also different to that of the Descendant levels since it isn’t an automatic process. Gaining the experience is, but you must physically increase your Rank via Prime Hands in Albion.

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The First Descendant beta rewards: A full list and how to claim Wed, 03 Jul 2024 10:11:16 +0000

The First Descendant, like other free-to-play games, offered a chance to get in on some looter shooter action before the official release.

This was in the form of betas, and if you were one of the eager ones who got in and explored the world of Igris you would have earned yourself some rewards.

Here, we’ll explain how to claim The First Descendant beta rewards, as you’re not automatically given them when you load up the game for the first time.

How to claim The First Descendant beta rewards

Obviously, it seems like a given, but you must have played the beta to be eligible for any beta rewards.

If you did play at least some of it, whether that is five minutes or if you got your character to max level, you would have earned at least some in-game items.

To claim these, you must head to Albion in-game and your beta rewards will be available in your Mailbox.

One thing to note here though is that you must be playing on the same account tied to the beta otherwise you won’t have the beta rewards that you earned.

What are all of The First Descendant beta rewards?

Since there were two betas for The First Descendant, there were also two sets of rewards you could pick up.

Moreover, these rewards differed depending on how much of the betas you played, with the people who spent the most time in-game receiving the ‘better’ gear.

Here are all of The First Descendant beta rewards you could get:

Steam Beta Test (Oct 2022) rewards

High Five emote – All test participants
Frost Walker Hunter & 2 titles: Groundbreaking (Prefix), Explorer (Suffix) – Completed Void Intercept Battle <Frost Walker>

Crossplay Open Beta Test (Sep 2023) rewards

Send Heart emote – All test participants
Bear Cub back attachment – Players who leveled a Descendant to Level 20
Passion spawn effect – Players who cleared a Hard Mode Void Intercept Battle
Bunny head skin “Trendsetter” – Survey participants

If you sadly didn’t get in on the two betas, you can pick up some additional gear through The First Descendant Twitch Drops, so don’t be too disheartened!

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What’s in the Sonic x Shadow Generations special edition? Wed, 03 Jul 2024 10:07:15 +0000

The Sonic x Shadow Generations collectors’ edition brings the value with a reasonably priced figure for the series.

Sega announced the collection earlier last month but was yet to add an opportunity for US fans of the superfast hedgehog to buy the collectors edition.

Sonic x Shadow Generations gets a price

The collectors edition will only be available through the Japanese store, so the only tag we have to go on is the converted pre-tax price:

Standard edition: 6,589 yen, which is around $40
Digital Deluxe Edition: 7,689 yen, which is around $45
Collector’s Edition: 12,969 yen, which is around $80

Standard edition

The basic deal with the base game and those pre-ordering will get a bonus Sonic Adventure Skin and three Sonic the Hedgehog original stickers (Japan physical edition only).

Digital Deluxe Edition

Digital Deluxe buyers will receive the base game and gain access to the Digital Deluxe Season Pass. An additional character skin and level for Shadow (releasing Winter 2024), Terios Skin, Extra BGM Pack, Skill Points (for SONIC GENERATIONS), and the digital version of the art book and soundtrack. Pre-order bonuses include the Sonic Adventure Skin.

Collectors Edition

The collector’s edition, which costs $80 plus, features a 12 cm Shadow figure, a 5 cm keychain with a Sonic and Shadow shoe, stickers, and an art book of the game.

The collector’s edition will have an exclusive pre-order bonus Sonic Adventure Skin (in-game), and players can get a three-day head start on the game with 72 hours of early accesss — but not for the Nintendo Switch version.

SEGA has tried to promote Shadow, who will debut in the next installment of the Sonic cinematic universe. The game’s publisher has pushed the title alongside the classic Sonic tales, saying, “All-new collection that includes SONIC GENERATIONS, which unites Classic and Modern Sonic in a journey through time and iconic Sonic worlds!”

The game launches Oct. 25 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.

Image: SEGA.



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Game Pass gets Neon White, Flock, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2, and more Wed, 03 Jul 2024 10:04:38 +0000

Xbox Wire has updated the list of titles coming to Game Pass in July, including Neon White, Flock, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2, and more.

Eight new games will be coming to the monthly subscription service:

Cricket 24
Journey to the Savage Planet
Magical Delicacy
Neon White
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
The Case of the Golden Idol

Xbox Game Pass July announced

Journey to the Savage Planet and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 will be available to Game Pass subscribers via cloud, console, and PC on July 3.

On July 9, Cricket 24, The Case of the Golden Idol, and Neon White come to the subscription service; they will all be released for cloud, console, and PC gamers. Tchia arrives on July 11, and Magical Delicacy and Flock follow quickly behind on July 16.

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate’s additional content for July includes the EA Sports FC 24 Supercharge Pack, Warframe: Wake Up Tenno Bundle, and The Elder Scrolls Online: 10th Anniversary Pack #2.

The titles departing Xbox Game Pass on July 15 are:

Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly (Cloud, Console, and PC)
Figment 2: Creed Valley (Cloud, Console, and PC)
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (PC)
TOEM (Cloud, Console, and PC)
The Wandering Village (Cloud, Console, and PC)

Image: Xbox Wire.

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AI safety and research company Anthropic calls for proposals to evaluate advanced models Wed, 03 Jul 2024 10:04:05 +0000

Anthropic, a company that does research into AI safety, is calling for proposals on ways to evaluate advanced learning models.

The rapid growth of AI means there are new AI providers and models all the time. Every major tech company has its own model, while there are dozens more smaller ones as well. That means that the industry has a rising benchmarking problem, making it tough to accurately evaluate how well an AI model performs.

Not only is it hard to state how effective a model is, but it’s also hard to evaluate the risks involved with AI safety. Anthropic is calling for proposals to plug this gap in AI evaluation.

“Developing high-quality, safety-relevant evaluations remains challenging, and the demand is outpacing the supply,” the company writes. “To address this, today we’re introducing a new initiative to fund evaluations developed by third-party organizations that can effectively measure advanced capabilities in AI models.”

The main focus of the proposals should be centered around: AI Safety Level assessments; advanced capability and safety metrics; and infrastructure, tools, and methods for developing evaluations. There should be details on tests that can assess an AI model’s ability to accomplish tasks ranging from cyberattacks, working on weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, and creating deepfakes or misinformation).

How to submit a proposal on AI safety evaluation

You can read more details on each of the sections that Anthropic is calling for proposals on and submit a proposal on the research company’s website. The team is reviewing submissions on a rolling basis and will follow up with select proposals to discuss next steps.

Anthropic has allocated various levels of funding to help get those research options to their next stages, as well as offering the possibility to talk directly with experts from across their in-house research and safety teams.

Featured image: Ideogram

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